Cycling shoes are designed to be fit for purpose. Translating the athlete's power to the machine with maximum efficiency minus any weight penalty. No point having one if you can't have the other...
One of the frequently misdiagnosed conditions effecting cyclists (and non cyclists) is the Morton’s Neuroma. It would seem as though every incidence of forefoot pain is blamed upon this annoying ...
Pain behind the base of the big toe when I ride - What is it and how can I fix it?
The vast majority of foot pressure when pedalling tends to come from under the base of the ball of the foot behind the big toe. We’ll call this area PMA 1 (Plantar Metatarsal Area 1) for convenie...
To met dome or not to met dome. That is the question....
Without doubt the most frequently requested footbed/orthotic option is the met dome (Metatarsal dome). These have been included on cycling footbeds for years and are a commonly purchased add on it...