What is a cycling orthotic?

A cycling orthotic is a replacement innersole that is designed to fit into your current cycling shoes to greatly improve support and the sensation of your feet in your shoes.

You don't have to have any current issues to find benefit from the feeling of contour under the arches of the feet. If you've ever worn a pair that feel as good as they should, then I'm sure you would agree that you wouldn't want to spent time in the saddle without them. You don't know how comfortable true comfort is until you have experienced it.

If you want to read more about this topic see our lengthier post about it in our Learning Hub.


We are huge fans of our SemiPros and want you to be too. Use this three-step guide to Find Your Fit.

We are huge fans of our SemiPros and want you to be too.

Find Your Fit

As podiatrists, we are no strangers to the intricacies of foot form and function. That's why we developed a range of unique profiles for our much-loved SemiPros. Rather than arbitrary changes in height across our Low, Medium and High inner soles, each profile has a unique contoured shape to suit key features of the foot type for which they are designed.

This three-step guide is designed to help you select your perfect profile.

Low, Medium or High?

SemiPro Low

Suitable for those who have a low arch profile and stiffer, less mobile feet.

Shop Low

Low, Medium or High?

SemiPro Medium

Suitable for those who have low to moderate arch profiles but possess natural foot mobility and shape change under load.

Shop Medium

Low, Medium or High?

SemiPro High

Suitable for those who have moderate to high arch profiles with low to moderate mobility.

SemiPro High